Sunday, November 21, 2010

Beautiful Women Comes in All Ages and Sizes

Everyone has their own idea of beauty, but I, for one, do not think the pencil thin model is beautiful!  I am not kidding.  I just want to give them milk shakes and butter. What is the beauty of ribs and shoulder blades sticking out?

Why this era has labeled this as beautiful is a mystery to me.  Marilyn Monroe was considered the most beautiful woman in the world in the 50’s and she was not pencil thin.  Then we got to Twiggy in the 60’s and we are still there.  The buxom lady with her cleavage showing and the large derriere are very sexy. 

I also believe Americans are too into youth.  Older women are beautiful too.  Helen Miren is one of the most beautiful women.  Sophia Loren is still spectacular.  There are many “normal” women who are beautiful and you probably know many of them.  I love the crinkles around the eyes of a delightfully lined face as she smiles. 

Thankfully I am married to a man who likes a bit of weight, or we call it “meat on the bones.”  I know many of you younger men will not agree, but in time, you will learn the truth.
So here’s to the beautiful women, no matter what size or age we are! 


  1. I'll second you on your thoughts. Never saw a "pin-up girl" who was rail thin and they are very sexy.

  2. I think the media pushes the stick thin woman on us, but that's not what men actually like. Meat on the bones and big boobs is a sign of fertility so it's natural that men would be attracted to that. I think advertisers do it to make women feel insecure--more insecurity = more shopping.
